
Showing posts from September, 2018

Bitcoin and the Age of Virtual Money

Even money has gone digital. In a global commercial landscape that is changing by the minute the very nature of making and doing businesses has likewise changed and gone from fiscal to, well, virtual. Bitcoin as On-Line Currency Such is the nature of a currently growing bitcoin phenomenon. Bitcoins quite simply is virtual money collected through virtual transactions.  Bitcoin is a digital currency created in 2009 that is now being used to buy or  sell  items from people and companies that accept bitcoin as payment. More specifically, it is digital currency where encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and to verify the transfer of funds without the need for an ‘actual’ central bank. Or perhaps more technically, bitcoin is cryptocurrency, a form of digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets. In many wa

Tips on Selling, Buying, or Trading Ethereum

Cryptocurrency is continually growing its popularity as the number of the people who are interested on it are continually increasing. One of the popular crypto is the Ethereum which is a computing platform and operating system that features smart contract functionality. Like bitcoin, it is also a type of cryptocurrency but because Ethereum is getting popular and there are a lot more benefits you can get from it, there are speculations that it will replace bitcoin as the most popular crypto. If you are interested on investing your money on Ethereum, below are some tips that will definitely guide you all throughout. Keep updated One of the things that you should do whether you are planning to buy Ethereum , sell it, or trade it is to always keep updated. Almost every day, there are news and updates about Ethereum which you need to know about once you decided to invest your money on it. It is easy to keep updated about it because you can easily search for it on the internet and yo